Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Hello everyone! How is everything going? School is back in session that is just crazy. But things are going really well here in Kingston. This past week was a little disappointing though. We recently learned that a few of our investigators who are really close to baptism are actually in a different branch's boundaries so we had to pass them off to a next set of missionaries so that was a little disappointing but as long as they get baptized its all good. Also, one of my investigators from Mandeville was baptized last Sunday so that is really cool. Sadly I wasn't able to attend his baptism though. But other than that this week has gone alright. We have been working a lot to find some new investigators. And as we have been finding new investigators I continue to realize the importance of member missionary work and home teaching. Members are vital for helping their friends and family members learn about and accept the restored gospel. The types of people that we should look for to share the gospel with are people who have recently had a birth in the family, a death in the family, have recently moved into the area, or are struggling with raising a family, and of course everyone that we come in contact with. People who are experiencing trials normally have their hearts softened and are more susceptible to feeling the Spirit and acting upon his promptings. So if any of you back home know of such people, work to share the gospel with them. Invite them to learn from the missionaries, and if you want, ask the missionaries for help in coming up with a way to share the gospel to your friends and family members. I promise the Lord will help you, because He has promised us already. I know this Church is true, I know that God lives and that he loves us in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Elder Nugent 

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