Monday, February 18, 2013

Hello everyone! how is everyone doing? Things are going really well here. This past week has been pretty awesome. Busy but awesome. On Tuesday, we drove the whole zone into Kingston in the mission bus for a mission conference held by Elder Rasband who is the Presiding President of the Quarum of the Seventy and Elder Cornish a member of the Quarum of the Seventy. They held a question and answer session. It was great being able to be taught about missionary work by two General Authorities. After the conference, we were planning to stop somewhere with the zone to eat and then to head back to Sav-la-mar to stay the night because we were supposed to have a zone meeting the next morning in Sav. As I was driving, my Mission President called on the phone and was talking to my companion. My Mission President told him that Elder Rasband wanted to meet with  Brother Banhan and I the following morning. So, I went on a last minute trade-off with the assistants and the following morning Elder Rasband, Elder Cornish, and their wives, and President Hendricks, and President Brown met with the Banhan family and I. Elder Rasband had heard some of Brother Banhan's conversion story from President Hendricks, so he wanted to meet with us and talk about Brother Banhan's conversion. It was awesome being back with the Banhans after being away from Kingston for about two months. As His conversion story was told, the Spirit was very strong in the room, and it brought back my sacred memories of teaching Brother Banhan. Near the end of the meeting, Elder Rasband asked if when the Banhans go to get sealed in the temple he could preform their temple sealing. The Banhans excitedly said yes. We also gave a priesthood blessing to Brother Banahan. As Elder Rasband was leaving, he said that the Lord had sent him to the Banhan's house that day. What an awesome experience! I was touched and very greatful that I could be apart of it. I feel like I dont deserve all of these awesome experiences, but I am very thankful for them. I know that Jesus Christ lives, and that he guides the Church through His chosen servants. Love you all,
ELder Nugent

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