Monday, October 22, 2012

Well, this past week has definitely been the best week on my mission. It was pretty awesome. On Wednesday we had a general authority from the quorum of the seventy named President Zivic come and hold a zone conference, which was quite delightful. I definitely learned a ton. It was cool because even though President Zivic didn't speak very good english, the Spirit was still present very strongly. 

This week was also very excellent because on Saturday we had the baptism of Brother Banhan. It was definitely one of the sweetest most spiritual experiences of my life, but in order to fully relate the events of the baptism, some more history behind the baptism will need to be given. 28 years ago, my grandpa baptized a lady who worked with him named Sister Banhan. At the time, Sister Banhan was married to Brother Banhan for about 1 year. He had gone through the Book of Mormon even before his wife had, but he did not join the church. About 2 years after Sister Banhan was baptized, she came to grandpa's office at work and she asked him for a blessing. At the time, Sister Banhan had been trying for years to have children, but she was unable to, and her husband was still not a member. In the blessing that my grandpa gave her, he felt impressed to promise her that she would have children, and that her family would be sealed together in the temple. A few years later, Sister Banhan had 2 daughters, but her husband was still not a member of the church. My grandpa promised them however, that when Brother Banhan gets baptized that he would be there. 

Now we will fast forward about 20 years over which time many missionaries and mission presidents taught and tried to help Brother Banhan receive the gospel, but he never decided to be baptized. The Banhan family decided to move to Kingston because it was closer to school for their daughters. On June 27, I was called to serve in the same branch that they attend (which is the branch that I am currently still serving in). About my second or third Sunday there, Brother Banhan who had not visited the church for some time, felt prompted to go to church with his family. After Church, my companion (Elder Conder at this point in time) and I set up a time to meet with the Banhan family, and Sister Banhan had decided to prepare dinner for us that night. At about 7 pm. As Elder Conder  and I parked the car, Elder Conder bore his testimony to me and told me that I had been sent here to finish the work that my grandpa had started. The Spirit filled the car. We then proceeded to the Banhan's home and sat for dinner. As we were eating, Elder Conder bore a powerful testimony to Brother Banhan and invited him to be baptized. Brother Banhan declined saying that he doesn't know if the church is true, and he doesn't feel committed to make that kind of a decision. We continued to bear testimony, and from that night, we began teaching Brother Banhan. About 3 weeks later, Elder Conder was transferred, and my new companion Elder Gurr and I continued to teach Brother Banhan. What pursued what was about 3 months of teaching, and testifying. Brother Banhan was making awesome progress, but he still lacked the Spiritual witness that he desired. We had many moments of tears and anxiety and feeling the Spirit in those 3 months. Brother Banhan eventually gained an intellectual testimony that Joseph Smith was called to be a prophet and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, but still he lacked the Spiritual witness that he was looking for to decide to be baptized. Eventually, we asked our mission president, President Hendricks, to come teach a lesson with us to Brother Banhan. We had an awesome lesson, and Brother Banhan was challenged to read the Book of Mormon up to 2 Ne 31, and then kneel down and pray to know what the Lord's will was for him concerning baptism, and then to commit to the answer he received. 

Over the following weeks, Brother Banhan read, and prayed. The night that Brother Banhan read through 2 Nephi 31, he decided to kneel down despite his 5 herniated discs in his spine, (a feat that he was unsure he would be capable of doing). And he and each member of his family offered a prayer to God. Brother Banhan was the last to pray, and after he humbly prayed, he received a witness from the Holy Ghost that he should be baptized. He was also able to remain on his knees for 2 hours during all of the prayers, a miracle in and of itself. That night, Sister Banhan called and informed me that Brother Banhan had decided to be baptized and that he wanted me to perform the baptism. That night, I was so elated that I could not sleep. She told me that She would call my Grandpa and schedule a time for the baptism with him. 

On October 20, 2012, Brother Banhan was baptized. It was one of the happiest days of my life. Tears filled many eyes. there were many people who attended. The Spirit was present very strongly. And Brother Banhan entered into the waters of baptism. It was awesome to say the least. 

Many miracles from the Lord occurred to allow this day to come to pass. No earthly power could convince Brother Banhan to be baptized. Only the Power of God could have allowed this day to come to pass. Only the Spirit could convince Brother Banhan of the truthfulness of the gospel. And by that same power I know that Jesus is the Christ, I know that this church is true. Glory be to God. 

Elder Nugent

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