Hey everyone! Wow, it has been a while. Long time no talk, haha. Sorry about missing email last week. It was due to some unforeseen circumstances. Let me begin starting off with Thursday.... On Thursday (not last week but the week before), my companion and I flew to Cayman to spend a few days doing splits with the missionaries there before we had their zone conference on Saturday. Cayman was awesome! It is like a tropical version of America. It was very modern and nice and clean. And to be quite honest, I was very culture shocked. I can only imagine the culture shock that will come after I finish my mission, haha. On Saturday, we had a zone conference which went well, and then we flew over to Nassau Bahamas. Nassau was very neat as well. It was very different from Cayman, and very different from Jamaica. In fact, If you took Jamaica and Cayman and mixed them together, you would get Nassau. My companion, Elder Worley and I conducted splits with the Nassau Elders until we had their zone conference on Tuesday. On Monday, Elder Worley started feeling pretty sick. We thought it was nothing more than the stomach flu, but it continued to get worse and worse. The next day, we gave Elder Worley a blessing, and then after zone conference we started flying to Miami to head back to Jamaica, when Elder Worley's condition got pretty bad. When we landed in Miami, the paramedics took my companion to the hospital with Sister Hendricks, and President Hendricks and myself flew back to Jamaica. It turned out that Elder Worley had appendicitis, and he had to have his appendix removed at the hospital. It was really a blessing that Elder Worley was able to be in Miami when he needed to go to the hospital, rather then being in Jamaica, or on an airplane, or in Nassau. The timing couldn't have been more perfect in that unfortunate event. So, I landed in Jamaica Tuesday night and I was placed with the zone leaders here in Kingston until Elder Worley arrived back to Jamaica today. He was in Miami for a total of 6 days. On Thursday and Friday, because Elder Worley was gone, I had to teach the Assistants portion of Zone conference alone. It turned out alright. The Lord blessed me and I was able to get through everything that I needed to. Elder Worley was definitely missed though. I learned a lot from President Hendricks in the zone conference. This was his last one before he finishes his mission on Friday. He taught us about consecration, and the temple, and about our life's mission. It was a special meeting I will never forget. I love President Hendricks. I have learned so much from him, and I am heartbroken to see him have to go. He is one of the best men I know. I am glad that I will be able to serve with President Brown though. It will be great being able to serve with the first Jamaican Mission president. The work is hastening here. We will be having a baptism on July 13. We have started teaching a formerly less-active/part-member family, and we are baptizing the daughter on July 13. I love this work. This is the work of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. This is the work of salvation for the children of men. I know it is true.